Warmup with pull aparts and
Hand stand push ups
Pyramid - 1,2,3. 2,4,6, 3,6,9, 4,8,12, 5,10,15 then back down
Pull-up, push up, crunch
Superset -
Bulgarian split squat and
Band pull through
Superset -
Curls and pull downs
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Monday, November 4, 2013
Complete At Home Workout
I'll let the video do most of the talking for this one , and here's the link
Complete At Home Workout How To On YouTube
And here's the workout written out:
Superset :Band pull a parts and handstand pushups 3x5
Tri set : pushups, pull-ups, and Bulgarian split squats 3x5
Tri set : band pull through, pall off press, and crunches 3x5
Superset : biceps curls and triceps pull downs 3x5
See the video for the how to, and enjoy getting in shape at home!
Complete At Home Workout How To On YouTube
And here's the workout written out:
Superset :Band pull a parts and handstand pushups 3x5
Tri set : pushups, pull-ups, and Bulgarian split squats 3x5
Tri set : band pull through, pall off press, and crunches 3x5
Superset : biceps curls and triceps pull downs 3x5
See the video for the how to, and enjoy getting in shape at home!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
The Konami code workout
Disclaimer : this workout is not mine and can be found on NerdFitness.com along with some other AMAZING content. Please check it out Steve Kamb is definitely an inspiration to me and many many others.
This is a great little workout I found on NerdFitness.com .
The Konami Code
⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️B A start
I'll keep this one short since I walk you through it in the video and the original article can be found on NerdFitness.com
Up up, two pull ups, down down, two push ups, left right left right, two lunges each leg, B, burpee, A , airsquat. Repeat for 5-10 or 15 min resting AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE.
This is a great total body muscle building fat burning circuit that can be done anywhere and adjusted to your own fitness level. Can't do regular push ups? Do em on your knees. Too easy? Try clap push ups.
Here's the video link : The Konami code workout
Give this one a shot! I did it in the park till I got rained on ;)
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Batman Vs. Superman Workout
Here it is folks. The Batman Vs. Superman Workout. Prepare for the battle of the ages.
You've seen how jacked Henry Cavhill got for Man of Steel, and Christian Bale was nothing short of impressive in Batman Begins. The comic battles have been epic. And if you haven't checked out their fight in the Dark Knight Returns(which will likely influence BVS) then you're missing out.
So what exactly makes this the BVS workout? Simple really. Just kinda combined moves and elements from both Christian Bale's Batman Begins routine that packed the muscle on his skinny post machinist frame and Henry Cavhill's routine for Man of Steel. This may look short, but try it and you'll soon find out that it's intense! So warmup good and prepare for battle!
The Workout
Superset 1: High Pull 3 reps and Thumbless Grip Pull ups 5 reps for 4 sets
2-3 min rest between sets
Superset 2: Clean and Press 3 reps and Plyo(Clap) Push ups 5 reps for 3 sets
2-3 min rest between sets
Superset 3: Goblet Squats 5 reps and Burpees 5 reps for 3 sets
ZERO REST BETWEEN SETS! 2-3 deep breaths between sets then IMMEDIATELY REPEAT!
And that's it! That finisher is a killer after that total body assault you just went through. Make sure you get plenty of rest and recovery after this one. Enjoy!
Quality reps are number one! Always!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Women's At Home Bodyweight HIIT
Here's a nice little HIIT circuit workout that you can do at home with only your bodyweight.
I've geared this workout towards the ladies, who are looking to lose some body fat, build some muscle, and get in all around better shape.
Before I start let me start off by saying this workout is really for anyone, BatMAN or GIRL, who's looking for a simple at home HIIT routine. Also, ALL of the workouts on this site can be done by women.
Far too many women still believe the myth that lifting heavy weights will get them bulky, so they like to tell me they're just gonna do lots of reps with light weights and "tone". ARRRGGGHH!
This is such a horrible MYTH! LADIES! YOU WILL NOT GET BULKY! YOU DO NOT HAVE THE HORMONES OR GENETICS! Also, you don't "tone" muscles by doing lots of low effort reps. You simply need to lose the fat over your muscles.
This workout is an HIIT (high intensity interval training) circuit, or also known as a metabolic circuit, due to it's potential to speed the metabolism. The basic idea here is to perform each exercise for a given amount of time, say, 60 sec, then immediately move to the next exercise without rest. I'll explain a little more in the video.
Anyway, here's the workout:
after a warmup, perform the following for 3-4 rounds
Jumping Jacks 60 sec
Squats 60 sec
Push-ups 60 sec
Bulgarian Split Squat 60 sec
Burpees (don't whine!) 60 sec
Leg Raises
Rest 2-3 min between rounds.
Here's a video link to the workout demonstration: Women's at Home HIIT
This workout sounds simple, but if you wanna burn off that fat, lose those love handles,lift that butt, flatten those abs and get in shape, please give it a shot.
Remember, quality controlled reps over quantity, and doing this or ANY intense workout IS NOT an excuse to eat like a frat boy or manatee. Diet is key. Recovery as well. So do NOT do this everyday.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Man of Steel Workout
Here's a nice little workout based around the Man of Steel Circuit found in Muscle and Fitness a few months back. It's been modified due to the fact that let's be honest, we're not Henry Cavill. That man is a monster with access to an amazing trainer and supps as well. (also the original workout calls for a rower and not all of us have access to that)
This workout is INTENSE! So please fuel up before, warm up properly and take the day off after. Seriously. No joke.
Warmup: 3 sets of pull ups
Barbell Cicuit: 3 rounds, load up the bar and move fluidly from one exercise to the next.
Snatch Grip Deadlift 4 reps
Bent Over Row 4 reps
Hang Clean 4 reps
Military Press 4 reps
Hack Squat 4 reps
Tri Set: 3 rounds
Push ups: 8 reps diamonds, 5 reps standard, 3 reps as wide as you can go
Deadlift. Heavy Weight. 2 reps
Hack Squat. Heavy Weight. 2 reps.
Here's your video link to a basic run through of the workout : Man of Steel Workout
Remember, quality reps and perfect form before anything else.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Caveman Workout
Wanna get in caveman shape? This one's for you!
Cavemen had to be in much better shape than modern man. So here's a workout designed around movements that would be beneficial in prehistoric times, should have you have to lift heavy objects like boulders or downed trees, put something up in a tree, jump and climb your way to safety, or just be a prehistoric badass in general.
After a dynamic warmup, perfom the following.
Tree pull ups: 3 sets of 5 reps
Gotta be able to climb away from that sabretooth beast! Tree Pull ups on Youtube
Sumo Dead lift: 5-6 sets of 1
Choose the sumo dead lift over the conventional, as it's a more natural way to lift a heavy object off the ground. Like a boulder. Sumo Dead lift on Youtube
Push Press: 3 sets of 3 reps
Gotta be able to lift something heavy over your head, and cavemen would definitely dip at the hips and use their legs to assist their shoulders in hoisting more weight . Push Press on Youtube
Incline Bench Press: 3 sets of 5 reps
Incline presses are a more functional push than a flat bench, and you're going to need that pushing power to push that boulder off the cliff and knock out that woolly mammoth! Incline Press
Jump Squats: 3 sets of 5 reps
Your're going to need to improve that vertical leap if you want to escape from being eaten alive!
Walking Lunge: 3 sets of 8 each leg
Weak legs are only going to shorten your lifespan and make you an appetizer, so finish off with the most functional of leg movements, the walking lunge!
Should they exercise, cavemen would NOT have access to a squat rack or rower. If anything, they would mostly be climbing, jumping, and lifting and pressing heavy objects.
So if you wanna get in shape like a modern caveman, (and maybe skip shaving), give this one a shot!
Monday, September 9, 2013
Back to Basics Workout
Back to Basics. This one is made up of classic compound movements that has been packing on muscle for decades. Some of them for all of human history really.
Forget the swiss balls. Forget standing on an unstable platform and pressing light weights. Forget 1000's of crunches and bicep curls. Forget the treadmill and spinning classes. Skip the high intesnity intervals that have you doing 20 different exercises a min with bad form. Forget arms day, and legs day.
Let's move some weight around with basic, time tested movements and work on one part.
I'll walk you through this workout with links to instructional videos one movement at a time, then lay out the entire workout for you at the end.
First lets start with a warm up to get your blood flowing and your body warm to prime you for the workout and avoid injury.
Warm up: Pull ups and Bodyweight Walking Lunges. Superset. 5 reps each.
Ah pull ups. Such an underrated movement. Muscles Targeted :Lats, biceps, grip, rear deltoids, core
Perhaps the greatest exercise to work and build your back. Plus it's such an important and classic movement. Pulling up your entire body weight from a dead hang. Humans have been doing this for all of history.
Superset these with walking lunges to warm up your lower body
Walking Lunges. Muscles targeted : Quads, Glutes, Hamstrings, calves, core
Too many men skip these in favor of squats and leg press, but if you want strong, functional legs. walking lunges are a must. Warmup Video Here: Warmup
And now the workout.
First up, The Deadlift. 5 sets of 1-2
Muscles Targeted: Core, Lower Back, Hamstrings, Glutes, Quads, Lats, Shoulders, Traps, Biceps,Grip.
Arguably the greatest exercise due to the mass amount of muscles worked and the simplicity of the movement. Picking up heavy objects off the floor from a dead stop. We've been doing this since standing upright. Technique is crucial in this movement to avoid injury and get mass results. And yes, only two reps. Make sure to come to a DEAD stop (dead lift, get it?) in between reps and DON'T bounce the weight. That's cheating. Here's a video link: Deadlift
Next up, the Dumbbell Bench Press 3 sets of 5
Muscles Targeted: Pecs, triceps, shoulders, grip, core
Everyone's favorite and unfortunately along with curls the only thing some young men do.
Pressing something away from your body is such an instinctual and for some reason pleasuring movement.
I prefer the Dumbbell Bench over the classic barbell bench due to the reduced stress on the shoulder joints and more emphasis on the pectoral muscles. Less risk for shoulder injury and more chest involvement? Win.
I prefer to do this movement on a slight incline. About 30 degrees
Here's a video link: Dumbbell Bench Press
Next, Standing Dumbbell Military Press 3 sets of 5
Muscle Targeted: Shoulders, Triceps, Core
Such a neglected press movement nowadays in favor of lateral raises and bench pressing. Foolish. There was a time when a heavy 1 rep max on the military press was much more respected than a big bench number. Besides being the best way to build larger stronger shoulders, lifting something over your head is such a primal movement. (Also a great way to work your core as well. )
Here's your video link: Standing Military Press
The Front or Goblet Squat 3 sets of 5
Muscles Targeted : Quads, Glutes, Hamstrings, lots of core
The squat is widely considered the King of All Lifts among most fitness buffs and with good reason. It's such a natural total body movement that works SO many muscles and burns plenty of calories to boot.
I chose the front squat here due to it's increased emphasis on the the quads and core over the back squat.
Also, the front squat and goblet squat can be done without access to a squat rack and for inexperienced lifters, holding the weight load in front of you tends to force your spine into a more upright position that is difficult to teach beginners to do on the back squat.
Most workout put squatting first, but I followed the advice of Bodybuilding Legend Steve Reeves (Look him up please!) and put them last, to keep the legs fresh for overhead pressing and deadlifts. Here's your video link: Squats
And now that we've completed what is often known as the Big 4, (Deadlift, Bench, Overhead Press, Squat), lets finish off with a superset of Dips and crunches.
Dips 3 sets of 5
Muscles Targeted: Triceps, Traps, Shoulders, Lower Chest.
Essentially the opposite movement of a pull up, the dip is a great often over looked movement to build the triceps as well as your shoulders and lower chest.
And yes, Crunches
Muscles Targeted: Abs. Duh.
I know, I know. Modern Fitness LOVES to hate on crunches and get you to do anything else instead.
But I'll tell you what. If you use good form and concentrate, you don't have to do very many, maybe 3 sets of 5. Really. That workout you just did already annihilated your core, and if crunches are good enough for Arnold and the legendary abs of Bruce Lee, they'll do for you too.
Here's your video link : Cooldown
This workout is really an effort to simplify things and show you that you can do straight sets of classic moves that are time tested to produce results. It's all natural movements, and can be completed in about 30 min.
Total Body workouts worked for Steve Reeves and they can work for you too. They've definitely worked for me. Anyway, here's the entire routine written out:
Warmup: Pull ups and Walking Lunges- 3 sets of 5
Dead lift-4 to 5 sets of 1-2
Dumbbell Bench Press-3 sets of 5
Standing Dumbbell Military Press-3 sets of 5
Goblet or Front Squat- 3 sets of 5
Cooldown: Dips and Crunches-3 sets of 5
This is a workout that can definitely be your go to workout when you want to hit the weights, and will work for beginners or advanced lifters. Stick to it for a while, focus on quality, focused reps, and you will see some results.
Focus on the Big Four!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Best Oatmeal Ever
I hear way too many people complain everyday that they can't eat healthy because it's too expensive, or they can't eat breakfast because they don't have time. What a load of malarchy.
Here's on of my favorite cheap, healthy, muscle buidling breakfasts that easy and quick to make.
I call it the Best Oatmeal Ever. Try it and tell me I'm wrong.
All you need plain old oats that come in the giant cylinder container from the grocery store, regular or steel cut, blueberries, your preferred type of milk ( I prefer whole), and glorious peanut butter.
These are all healthy, cheap, and calorie dense ingredients. Protein from the peanut butter and milk, carbs and grains from the oats, and anti oxidents from the blueberries.
Forget measurements, just make it to match your appetite.
Pour oats into a microwaveable bowl
Toss in a handfull of bluberries
Add as much PB as you like (I opt for a fistful)
Add milk to desired thickness.
Microwave for 90 seconds
Mix well.
Enjoy |
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Milk and Eggs
Milk and Eggs. Some the healthiest cheapest things to include in your diet, yet everyone seems to have this conception that milk will get you fat, and whole eggs will give you heart disease.
Well, this is just flat out malarchy.
Let's start with milk. It really does do a body good.
For starters, it's an excellent source of Casein (slow digesting) and Whey (fast digesting) Protein. I really don't need to explain the importance of protein in your diet.
As far as calories and weight loss go, any study will show you that people who drink more milk in there diet tend to way less.
You already know milk is loaded in Calcium and Vitamins A and D, but did you know it's also a great source of sodium and potassium which are the most abdundant electrolytes in your body?
And of course, Carbs. Yes Carbs. Everyone thinks Carbs will make you fat but that's just not true. In fact, you NEED carbs for energy, which is why most people on atkins are generally cranky and lethargic.
Here's five reasons courtesy of Stronglifts.com why you should drink milk post workout:
1. Muscle Gains. Research shows a mix of fast and slow digesting protein is superior for muscle repair, and milk has both whey and casein.
2. Fat Loss. Dairy Calcium increases fat loss. The Fat in milk keeps you full longer which keeps you full longer. (Plus animal fat is the healthiest source)
3. Recovery. Milk is superior for rehydration post workout to water and sports drinks due to its NATURAL not SYNTHETIC electrolytes.
4.Cheap. Duh. Have you priced protein powders?
5. Easy. Zero prep. Open gallon. Pour in Glass. Or skip glass if no one's home ;)
Now onto eggs...
Guess what? There has NEVER been a real link between eggs and heart disease. Never. While it's true the yolks contain all of the fat and cholesterol, guess what? It's the kind that raises your good cholesterol, and has virtually ALL of the nutrition in the egg! Plus recent studies have shown that it's not cholesterol from animal sources that cause cardiovascular disease at ALL, but in fact it's sugar that's the culprit.
Well, this is just flat out malarchy.
Let's start with milk. It really does do a body good.
For starters, it's an excellent source of Casein (slow digesting) and Whey (fast digesting) Protein. I really don't need to explain the importance of protein in your diet.
As far as calories and weight loss go, any study will show you that people who drink more milk in there diet tend to way less.
You already know milk is loaded in Calcium and Vitamins A and D, but did you know it's also a great source of sodium and potassium which are the most abdundant electrolytes in your body?
And of course, Carbs. Yes Carbs. Everyone thinks Carbs will make you fat but that's just not true. In fact, you NEED carbs for energy, which is why most people on atkins are generally cranky and lethargic.
Here's five reasons courtesy of Stronglifts.com why you should drink milk post workout:
1. Muscle Gains. Research shows a mix of fast and slow digesting protein is superior for muscle repair, and milk has both whey and casein.
2. Fat Loss. Dairy Calcium increases fat loss. The Fat in milk keeps you full longer which keeps you full longer. (Plus animal fat is the healthiest source)
3. Recovery. Milk is superior for rehydration post workout to water and sports drinks due to its NATURAL not SYNTHETIC electrolytes.
4.Cheap. Duh. Have you priced protein powders?
5. Easy. Zero prep. Open gallon. Pour in Glass. Or skip glass if no one's home ;)
Now onto eggs...
Guess what? There has NEVER been a real link between eggs and heart disease. Never. While it's true the yolks contain all of the fat and cholesterol, guess what? It's the kind that raises your good cholesterol, and has virtually ALL of the nutrition in the egg! Plus recent studies have shown that it's not cholesterol from animal sources that cause cardiovascular disease at ALL, but in fact it's sugar that's the culprit.
You see, while it was once though that eating dietary cholesterol meant it went directly to your arteries to form plaque, we now know that dietary cholesterol doesn’t play much of a role in plasma cholesterol…or heart disease for that matter.
In fact a study published in 2007 fed participants eggs daily, upwards of over 6 per week (so around 1 or more per day) and they concluded that “regular egg consumption does not increase the risk of stroke and cardiovascular diseases.”
Here's a table that compares the nutrients in the yolk vs the nutrients ( or lack of ) in the whites.
You're missing a lot of valuable vitamins by skipping those yolks.....
% Total in White
% Total in Yolk
3.6 g
2.3 mg
21.9 mg
3.6 mg
0.85 mg
0.03 mg
0.4 mg
5 mg
66.3 mg
53.8 mg
18.5 mg
54.8 mg
8.2 mg
0.01 mg
0.4 mg
0.008 mg
0.013 mg
0.004 mg
0.009 mg
6.6 mcg
9.5 mcg
0.01 mg
0.03 mg
0.145 mg
0.09 mg
0.035 mg
0.004 mg
0.63 mg
0.51 mg
0.002 mg
0.059 mg
1.3 mcg
24.8 mcg
0.03 mcg
0.331 mcg
Vitamin A
0 IU
245 IU
Vitamin E
0 mg
0.684 mg
Vitamin D
0 IU
18.3 IU
Vitamin K
0 IU
0.119 IU
94 mg
| |
0 mcg
21 mcg
Thursday, August 8, 2013
At Home Casino Royale Workout
Thought I'd put a fun little variation on the popular Casino Royale Circuit that can be found online. Go ahead. Google Daniel Craig Casino Royale workout and you'll get the same basic circuit everytime:
Clean and Press
Weighted Hanging Knee Raise
Weighted Step up
Weighted Pull up
Push up with feet elevated
Weighted Dips
It's a pretty beast circuit.... but how could you do it at home with no weights?
Simple. Grab a door mounted pull up bar, a couple of bar stools, and a resistance band and apply my five min protocol to the following:
Overhead band press - Max Reps in five min
Hanging Knee Raise - Max reps in five min
Step up - Max reps in five min
Pull up - Max reps in five min
Push up with feet elevated - max reps in five min
Dips - Max reps in five min
Bam. Done. Try this. Did it today myself, and I gotta say.... whoah. Have water close by.
Friday, August 2, 2013
5 minute protocol/5 minutes in hell
5 minute protocol disclaimer: Do not attempt unless you're feeling like the Dark Knight himself on this particular day, or unless you've borrowed some of Bane's Venom.(or you could just have a cup of coffee, be fully hydrated, and completely fresh and not still sore from a previous endeavour.)
The method is simple. You can use it for one body part OR apply it to a full body workout to get your ass handed to you.
Here's the basic explanation: Pick two exercises for whichever body part you're working, something like bench and flyes for chest, and use a weight you can complete ten reps with. Then keep working the two exercises back and forth for 5 minutes completing as many reps as possible with as little rest as possible.
The first couple sets will be easy. 10 presses, then 10 flys. No rest. Repeat. A couple of minutes in you may find yourself only able to complete 5 reps of each and have to rest a few extra seconds. Towards the last 2 minutes you may only be completing 2-3 reps for each and resting a few extra seconds. But when that five minutes is up you WILL feel an AMAZING pump. Set a timer so you don't have to keep watching the clock, and don't even worry about counting reps. Just keep a glass of water nearby and complete as many reps as possible within the five minutes resting as little as possible to complete reps with good form.
Now like I said, you could just do this for ONE body part in your workout, or you could apply it to a total body workout like this:
Chest: 5 min of push ups and flys
Back: 5 min of 1 an 1/2 pull ups and band rows
Shoulders: 5 min of overhead press and lateral raises
Legs: Bodyweight pause squats and walking lunges
Abs and arms: 5 min of crunches, do triceps pull downs the first 2:30 and Biceps curls the second 2:30
This is an INTENSE full body workout that should not be done EVERY workout, and it WILL leave you exhausted. But when you're feeling up to it give it a shot, and you'll be packing on the muscle and burning fat fast! (PS maybe don't drink the night before this unless you want to see your breakfast again;))
The method is simple. You can use it for one body part OR apply it to a full body workout to get your ass handed to you.
Here's the basic explanation: Pick two exercises for whichever body part you're working, something like bench and flyes for chest, and use a weight you can complete ten reps with. Then keep working the two exercises back and forth for 5 minutes completing as many reps as possible with as little rest as possible.
The first couple sets will be easy. 10 presses, then 10 flys. No rest. Repeat. A couple of minutes in you may find yourself only able to complete 5 reps of each and have to rest a few extra seconds. Towards the last 2 minutes you may only be completing 2-3 reps for each and resting a few extra seconds. But when that five minutes is up you WILL feel an AMAZING pump. Set a timer so you don't have to keep watching the clock, and don't even worry about counting reps. Just keep a glass of water nearby and complete as many reps as possible within the five minutes resting as little as possible to complete reps with good form.
Now like I said, you could just do this for ONE body part in your workout, or you could apply it to a total body workout like this:
Chest: 5 min of push ups and flys
Back: 5 min of 1 an 1/2 pull ups and band rows
Shoulders: 5 min of overhead press and lateral raises
Legs: Bodyweight pause squats and walking lunges
Abs and arms: 5 min of crunches, do triceps pull downs the first 2:30 and Biceps curls the second 2:30
This is an INTENSE full body workout that should not be done EVERY workout, and it WILL leave you exhausted. But when you're feeling up to it give it a shot, and you'll be packing on the muscle and burning fat fast! (PS maybe don't drink the night before this unless you want to see your breakfast again;))
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Static Contractions and 1 and 1/2 Pull ups!
Let's cover static contractions. Static refers to lack of movement, but believe me, in static contractions there's a WHOLE lot of stimulus. The ideal time to use a static contractions is when a muscle is working it's hardest, at a sticking point, the top of a movement, or half way. An example would be holding the weight at the top of a dumbell bench press and really squeezing your chest hard and holding that position for 5,10, or more seconds. You could also do it at the half way point of a curl. Or Pull up. Maybe the top of a lateral raise. The posibilities are endless. I like to tack it on to the last rep of a set and follow with a slow negative.
What are the benefits you might be asking? Well, when you force a muscle to stay contracted at its hardest working point, you are forcing it to stay under maximum tension for MUCH longer, forcing more blood into it and spurring gains in strength and muscle growth. Try it yourself. On your last rep of pushups, hold half way up for 10-20 seconds. Hold half way down your last pull up for 10 seconds. Maybe hold half way up your last rep of curls for 10 seconds, or hold that squeeze at the top of a chest fly for 10 seconds on the last rep. Want a real challenge for your shoulders? Hold the dumb bells or cables at the top position for 5 seconds on your last set of lateral raises. It will burn.
And on a similar subject that works perfectly with static contractions, 1 and 1/2 pull-ups. The idea is simple. And the video demonstration is below.(sounds complicated but it's not!) Start at the bottom of a pull up or chin up, pull all the way up, go half way down, pause for 1 second, back to the top, then all the way down. Repeat as needed. And on the last rep, when you go halfway down, pause for 5-10 seconds for a static contraction. AND make sure to use slow negatives. This exercise combines full and partial range of motion, static contraction, and negatives. The massive time under tension will BLAST your back, biceps, and forearms, and give you an IRON grip to boot. Try em!
Monday, July 22, 2013
Plug and Play Workout
The plug and play workout is essentially a template to create your own workout. It could be the same for a few weeks, or you could vary the exercises and repititions depending on your location or available a equipment. Or maybe you're just looking to mix it up a little week to week!
The goal of this workout is to enable you to craft a total body workout anywhere, with whatever exercises you're comfortable with on the particular day. Furthermore you can use this template indefinitely if you really wanted! Win!
The Plug and Play Template:
Simple? Kind of. Here's a further explanation. Basically you insert an exercise or two for each part listed. For example:
Legs: 3 sets of Squats
Chest: 3 sets of bench or pushups
Back: 3 sets of pull ups
Shoulders: 3 sets of military press
Abs: 3 sets of leg raises
Or maybe something like:
Legs: 3 sets of lunges
Chest: Pushups superset with chest flyes
Back: Rows superset with chinups
Shoulders: Handstand pushups superset with lateral raises
Abs: Planks
Get the idea? Simply insert any exercise for the body part into the template and get to it! Here's a list of possibilities :
Legs: ANY squat or lunge variation
Chest: Bench press, push ups, chest flyes, cable crossovers
Back: Pull ups, Chinups, Seated Row, Bent over Row, One Arm Dumbell Row
Shoulders: Handstand pushups, Military Press, Clean and Press, Lateral Raise, Front Raise,
Abs: Crunches, Situps, Leg Raises, Planks, Knee Raises, Windsheild Wipers.....
That's it! Give it a shot! The combinations are endless!
The goal of this workout is to enable you to craft a total body workout anywhere, with whatever exercises you're comfortable with on the particular day. Furthermore you can use this template indefinitely if you really wanted! Win!
The Plug and Play Template:
Simple? Kind of. Here's a further explanation. Basically you insert an exercise or two for each part listed. For example:
Legs: 3 sets of Squats
Chest: 3 sets of bench or pushups
Back: 3 sets of pull ups
Shoulders: 3 sets of military press
Abs: 3 sets of leg raises
Or maybe something like:
Legs: 3 sets of lunges
Chest: Pushups superset with chest flyes
Back: Rows superset with chinups
Shoulders: Handstand pushups superset with lateral raises
Abs: Planks
Get the idea? Simply insert any exercise for the body part into the template and get to it! Here's a list of possibilities :
Legs: ANY squat or lunge variation
Chest: Bench press, push ups, chest flyes, cable crossovers
Back: Pull ups, Chinups, Seated Row, Bent over Row, One Arm Dumbell Row
Shoulders: Handstand pushups, Military Press, Clean and Press, Lateral Raise, Front Raise,
Abs: Crunches, Situps, Leg Raises, Planks, Knee Raises, Windsheild Wipers.....
That's it! Give it a shot! The combinations are endless!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Bare Bones at Home Workout !
Here it is folks! The Bare Bones at Home Workout!
What makes it Bare Bones? The fact that it's pushes, pulls, and squats. No fancy swiss ball squats while you do tricep kickbacks with soup cans and shake weights. Just classic moves. Squats. Superset chest and back. Superset shoulders and back. Abs. Done. Here it is:
Bare Bones
Single leg squats (or body weight squats) 3 sets. 3 reps for single leg or 10 reps bodyweight squats
Superset 1, 3 sets:
Resistance band press+fly combo(or hardest pushup variation you can do) 5 reps
Hardest pull up variation you can do 5 reps
Superset 2,3 sets:
Handstand Push ups (or overhead press) 5 reps
Resistance Band Seated Row 5 reps.
Hanging leg (or knee) raises 3 sets 5 reps
Now this can be done in a gym too if you prefer to hit the weights. Just sub in back squats in a squat rack for single leg or bodyweight squats. You can sub in bench press or push ups for the band press and row combo.(see video for that one). You could do overhead press instead of handstand pushups, and cable rows instead of band rows. You can really do this workout anywhere if you follow this basic format here:
Superset chest and back
Superset shoulders and back
Easy right?
Here's a link to the Youtube video demonstration to clear up any questions: Bare Bones at Home Workout
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