Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Konami code workout

Disclaimer : this workout is not mine and can be found on along with some other AMAZING content. Please check it out Steve Kamb is definitely an inspiration to me and many many others.

This is a great little workout I found on . 
The Konami Code 
⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️B A start 

I'll keep this one short since I walk you through it in the video and the original article can be found on 

Up up, two pull ups, down down, two push ups, left right left right, two lunges each leg, B, burpee, A , airsquat. Repeat for 5-10 or 15 min resting AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. 
 This is a great total body muscle building fat burning circuit that can be done anywhere and adjusted to your own fitness level. Can't do regular push ups? Do em on your knees. Too easy? Try clap push ups. 
Here's the video link : The Konami code workout
 Give this one a shot! I did it in the park till I got rained on ;)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Batman Vs. Superman Workout

Here it is folks. The Batman Vs. Superman Workout. Prepare for the battle of the ages.
You've seen how jacked Henry Cavhill got for Man of Steel, and Christian Bale was nothing short of impressive in Batman Begins. The comic battles have been epic. And if you haven't checked out their fight in the Dark Knight Returns(which will likely influence BVS) then you're missing out.
So what exactly makes this the BVS workout? Simple really. Just kinda combined moves and elements from both Christian Bale's Batman Begins routine that packed the muscle on his skinny post machinist frame and Henry Cavhill's routine for Man of Steel. This may look short, but try it and you'll soon find out that it's intense! So warmup good and prepare for battle!
The Workout

Superset 1: High Pull 3 reps and Thumbless Grip Pull ups 5 reps for 4 sets
2-3 min rest between sets

Superset 2: Clean and Press 3 reps and Plyo(Clap) Push ups 5 reps for 3 sets
2-3 min rest between sets

Superset 3:  Goblet Squats 5 reps and Burpees 5 reps for 3 sets
ZERO REST BETWEEN SETS! 2-3 deep breaths between sets then IMMEDIATELY REPEAT!

And that's it! That finisher is a killer after that total body assault you just went through. Make sure you get plenty of rest and recovery after this one. Enjoy! 
Quality reps are number one! Always!