Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Static Contractions and 1 and 1/2 Pull ups!

Let's cover static contractions. Static refers to lack of movement, but believe me, in static contractions there's a WHOLE lot of stimulus. The ideal time to use a static contractions is when a muscle is working it's hardest, at a sticking point, the top of a movement, or half way. An example would be holding the weight at the top of a dumbell bench press and really squeezing your chest hard and holding that position for 5,10, or more seconds. You could also do it at the half way point of a curl. Or Pull up. Maybe the top of a lateral raise. The posibilities are endless. I like to tack it on to the last rep of a set and follow with a slow negative.

What are the benefits you might be asking? Well, when you force a muscle to stay contracted at its hardest working point, you are forcing it  to stay under maximum tension for MUCH longer, forcing more blood into it and spurring gains in strength and muscle growth. Try it yourself. On your last rep of pushups, hold half way up for 10-20 seconds. Hold half way down your last pull up for 10 seconds. Maybe hold half way up your last rep of curls for 10 seconds, or hold that squeeze at the top of a chest fly for 10 seconds on the last rep. Want a real challenge for your shoulders? Hold the dumb bells or cables at the top position for 5 seconds on your last set of lateral raises. It will burn. 

And on a similar subject that works perfectly with static contractions, 1 and 1/2 pull-ups. The idea is simple. And the video demonstration is below.(sounds complicated but it's not!) Start at the bottom of a pull up or chin up, pull all the way up, go half way down, pause for 1 second, back to the top, then all the way down. Repeat as needed. And on the last rep, when you go halfway down, pause for 5-10 seconds for a static contraction. AND make sure to use slow negatives. This exercise combines full and partial range of motion, static contraction, and negatives. The massive time under tension will BLAST your back, biceps, and forearms, and give you an IRON grip to boot. Try em!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Plug and Play Workout

The plug and play workout is essentially a template to create your own workout. It could be the same for a few weeks, or you could vary the exercises and repititions depending on your location or available a equipment. Or maybe you're just looking to mix it up a little week to week!
The goal of this workout is to enable you to craft a total body workout anywhere, with whatever exercises you're comfortable with on the particular day. Furthermore you can use this template indefinitely if you really wanted! Win!
The Plug and Play Template:

Simple? Kind of. Here's a further explanation. Basically you insert an exercise or two for each part listed. For example:
Legs: 3 sets of Squats
Chest: 3 sets of bench or pushups
Back: 3 sets of pull ups
Shoulders: 3 sets of military press
Abs: 3 sets of leg raises

Or maybe something like:
Legs: 3 sets of lunges
Chest: Pushups superset with chest flyes
Back: Rows superset with chinups
Shoulders: Handstand pushups superset with lateral raises
Abs: Planks

Get the idea? Simply insert any exercise for the body part into the template and get to it! Here's a list of possibilities :

Legs: ANY squat or lunge variation
Chest: Bench press, push ups, chest flyes, cable crossovers
Back: Pull ups, Chinups, Seated Row, Bent over Row, One Arm Dumbell Row
Shoulders: Handstand pushups, Military Press, Clean and Press, Lateral Raise, Front Raise,
Abs: Crunches, Situps, Leg Raises, Planks, Knee Raises, Windsheild Wipers.....

That's it! Give it a shot! The combinations are endless!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Bare Bones at Home Workout !

Here it is folks! The Bare Bones at Home Workout!
What makes it Bare Bones? The fact that it's pushes, pulls, and squats. No fancy swiss ball squats while you do tricep kickbacks with soup cans and shake weights. Just classic moves. Squats. Superset chest and back.  Superset shoulders and back. Abs. Done. Here it is:

Bare Bones

Single leg squats (or body weight squats) 3 sets. 3 reps for single leg or 10 reps bodyweight squats

Superset 1, 3 sets: 
Resistance band press+fly combo(or hardest pushup variation you can do) 5 reps
               Hardest pull up variation you can do 5 reps
Superset 2,3 sets:
Handstand Push ups (or overhead press) 5 reps
                 Resistance Band Seated Row 5 reps.
Hanging leg (or knee) raises 3 sets 5 reps

Now this can be done in a gym too if you prefer to hit the weights. Just sub in back squats in a squat rack for single leg or bodyweight squats. You can sub in bench press or push ups for the band press and row combo.(see video for that one). You could do overhead press instead of handstand pushups, and cable rows instead of band rows. You can really do this workout anywhere if you follow this basic format here:
Superset chest and back
Superset shoulders and back
Easy right?
Here's a link to the Youtube video demonstration to clear up any questions: Bare Bones at Home Workout

 Making progress

Monday, July 1, 2013

Intermediate/Advanced At Home Workout

Beast Mode
Here's a great at home intermediate/advanced workout that I started running last week sticking to most of my core principles. There WAS going to be a video to go along with this article today, but I pulled my left hamstring something fierce this morning. So that will come later. 
Anyways, here it is:
Two exercises each body part. Repeat once for two sets each. 

Shoulders: Handstand pushups 5 reps
                   Resistance Band Upright Row 5 reps 
                   Repeat Once
Chest: One arm Pushups 3 reps
           Resistance Band Fly 5 reps
           Repeat Once
Legs: Single leg squats 3-5 reps each leg
          Air Squats 5 reps
          Repeat Once
Back : One Arm Chin up 5 reps each arm
           Resistance Band Row 5 reps
           Repeat Once
Abs/core: Hanging Leg Raises 5 reps
                Situps 5 reps
                Repeat Once. 

That's it! Rest. Eat. Recover. Enjoy! Video as soon as I can walk right again. Ha.